Chris Jackson Coaching


Hello my friends. Welcome back to another Transformation Tuesday. Tonight\’s episode is what should I be focusing on in my personal growth? This is one of the questions I get asked by a lot of my clients. \”Chris,\” they say, \”What should I focus on? There is an infinite number of options in the space of personal development that I could work on, that I could focus on. There\’s thousands of books, there\’s thousands of courses, there\’s so much to work on. What do I work on?\” This is a classic dilemma. This is something I\’ve battled with, I\’ve struggled with, I\’ve been trained on, coached on, and is something I now coach others on. It gets simpler and simpler the more that you look into it. I\’m going to share with you some strategies, and some tools, and some frameworks tonight on how do you approach your personal development? How do you know what you should focus on? How do you prioritise all the different areas of your life? The things that we need to work on, the things we need to improve. How do we prioritise that? How do we get clear on what\’s most important?

Well I\’m going to be sharing with you how to do that, some considerations about how to approach that, such that you get to a place where you know what you\’re focusing on is relevant and it\’s going to create impact. So that\’s the outcome of tonight\’s call, is to really create some clarity around what do we focus on? What do we want to set as a curriculum in terms of how do we design that?

Hey, Charmaine. Good to see you here. Hope you\’re feeling better.

As a result of this training, what I\’m going to share with you is a strategy and a philosophy for how to approach designing that curriculum, and how do you know what to focus on? So let\’s dive into it. One of the reasons why this is so important is because there is so much to learn, there is so many areas of our life to work on, if we have a philosophy that we\’re wanting to work on everything at the same time … Hey Dave. How are you doing, mate?

If we\’re wanting to have the philosophy that we need to work on everything, then typically what we\’re going to find is you\’re going to be judging yourself, you\’re going to be feeling inferior, you\’re going to be feeling like you\’re not good enough, you\’re going to be feeling like there\’s way too much to do, not enough time, and that you feel behind. Well, if you feel like you have to do everything at the same time, well yeah, you\’re going to feel overwhelmed. You\’re going to feel like you\’ve maybe dropped the ball. What we want to do is we want to avoid that. We want to realise that because there is an infinite number of things we could learn in personal development, you just physically can\’t learn it all. You have to surrender to realising that it\’s not attainable to learn everything. We have a finite experience in this life. There is therefore a finite number of hours, therefore there is a finite number of things we can learn and things we can master. That\’s just the nature of being human.

What we need to do is we need to accept that yes, we\’re not going to be able to get to everything, however, whilst there isn\’t time to do everything, there is always time to focus on the most important things. That\’s what we\’re going to focus on tonight. That\’s the key theme that you want to approach this from. It\’s the key lens or frame through which you want to view this question, is not trying to do everything, but doing the most important. Focusing on the thing that\’s going to move the needle the most. Focusing on what\’s the most relevant, what\’s the most tangible, what\’s the most impactful thing you can study, that you can learn, that you can focus your energy and attention on right now such that it moves the needle the most? Such that it creates the greatest amount of impact. This is one of those phenomenons where it\’s not necessarily the amount of time that you put into something. It\’s the amount of attention that you place on something in an impactful way that determines the amount of growth you\’re going to experience.

So you might be reading dozens and dozens of books, but if you\’re not applying yourself and taking those learnings, and seeing the gaps and then finding the habits, finding the limiting beliefs, finding those aspects that are not working to actually apply those learnings. Well, that reading and that consumption is what I call intellectual entertainment, which is great if you\’re enjoying reading books, and if you\’re great, if you\’re studying, particularly in the space of self help and personal development, which is what we\’re talking about. But if you\’re not applying that, there\’s no return on investment there. Return on investment is the consideration that we\’re making here. Is, where am I going to invest my time, my energy, and attention such that I know that I\’m going to get a tangible return on my investment.

That\’s always the question to be asking, because there is plenty of learning, there is plenty of books, plenty of seminars, plenty of courses that you can be learning that are going to give you some good stuff. But if you don\’t apply it, if you don\’t find out how to apply it in the best way that\’s going to suit you, well a lot of that is inefficient. This is where we need to start to ask the question, why am I learning something? For what purpose am I choosing to open this book or study this course? Same thing for you listening here right now. For what purpose are you tuning in? That\’s a very, very, very, very valid question. Because if you don\’t have a purpose, if you don\’t have an intention, if you don\’t have some sort of conscious focus for why you\’re doing something, then it\’s so easy to just dismiss things as being, oh okay, that was interesting. But then there\’s no action that takes places.

So we need to be very, very conscious of if we are reading something, if we\’re learning something, if we\’re working on something, we have to make it tangible. We have to make it potent. We have to directionalize our energy and our effort to take the learnings and apply them. So really this comes down to application. It comes down to application. The amount of value you\’re going to derive from something is application.

Before you get to application you need to ask the question, what is the most important areas of your life that you need to improve? That\’s always the most important question, is what\’s the most important area of your life you\’re wanting to improve? Now, to give you some suggestions, yes, there are the major dimensions of life, such as finances, health, relationships, business, career, all those things. They\’re the classic dimensions of life. Within those dimensions we need to then get really clear on, well, within those dimensions, what are the subsets? What are the most important factors that move the needle the most?

So say for example if you want to create a powerful, intimate relationship. Well, saying that you just want to create a relationship, that\’s quite general. It\’s quite abstract. It\’s not very specific. Whereas if you say, \”Well I want to improve my intimacy. I want to improve sexual attraction. I want to improve transparency, honesty, fun, sense of compassion, forgiveness, closeness, compassion.\” You can go through all the different dimensions of your relationship and start to say, \”Right, well how do we improve those? How do we tweak those? What\’s the missing ingredients that are not being activated, are not present, such that I\’m not experiencing that?\”

Even within intimacy, you can chunk down on intimacy and say, \”Well what\’s the reason why I\’m not experiencing intimacy?\” Is it something to do with you? Is it something to do with your partner? Now, if it\’s something to do with your partner, well, there are limitations as to the degree of how much you can help them. There is limits to that. However, you want to ask the question, well, what is within my control? How can I influence that? Most of the time you\’ll find that when you tap into a new resource, a new way of being, you will be able to find something that reflects back something in your partner that activates something within them to help them elevate their level of awareness, their level of transparency, their level of openness and trust that will then create a higher level of intimacy.

So this is recognising that whilst we can\’t change anyone else, we certainly can change ourselves and how we\’re showing up in the relationship, such that we create the conditions present in that relationship for that relationship to thrive. Because the way to see it is that there\’s always something missing, which is like an ingredient that\’s missing. If you\’re ever cooking a meal and you eat a meal and it just like, something just doesn\’t quite taste right. It\’s not necessarily the chef, it\’s not necessarily the restaurant, it could just be that was just missing a small ingredient and it would\’ve transformed the whole experience. Well, this is the case in personal development. What is that small ingredient that we are missing inside of us that prevents us from activating the greatness, the magnificence in all of our relationships in all the different dimensions of our life? A lot of cases it\’s limiting beliefs.

So to answer the question, what should we be focusing on? Well, we need to get really self-aware about what other results we\’re looking to create. The best way to approach this is ask yourself, well what do you desire? That\’s the starting point, is asking, well what do you actually desire? Once you\’ve worked out what your desire is, or what your vision is, or what outcome or goal you\’re wanting to create. You can then ask, well what\’s the limitation? What\’s preventing me from accessing that? Now yes, you\’re going to be limited with the degree of awareness that you have to answer that based on your self-awareness, based on the knowledge of your understanding of your human programing.

However, by asking that question, what\’s my limitation? What\’s in the way of me experiencing that? You gain access to understanding that limitation. As you start to inquire and go within, you\’ll start to find that it\’s actually probably not what you thought it was. It\’s actually probably not what you thought it was. There are deeper and deeper layers of limitation that are outside of our awareness. The more that we reflect, the more that we uncover a lot of these invisible limitations.

For example, we might ask the question, why don\’t I have more money? Or why don\’t I have a … Say for example if you\’re not in a relationship, or if you\’re in a relationship and you want to be in a better relationship, be asking the question, why am I not in the relationship that I want? You might say, \”Well, it\’s because of them. It\’s because of the other person. It\’s because we\’re older. It\’s because I\’m not attractive, they\’re not attractive.\” You could come up with a whole lot of different excuses. Some of them might be valid, but when you look under the surface a lot of the time you\’ll observe a lot of these excuses and a lot of these reasons as being the excuses that they are. You\’ll find that more often than not there is actually a lot of things within your control that you can tweak that will transform that relationship.

Say for example, and this is a classic one that comes up, is a lot of people say, \”Why is there not more romance? Why is there not more intimacy? Why is there not more closeness inside a relationship? Why can I not feel in love with this person as much as when we first met?\” It\’s easy to point outside of you. It\’s easy to say that it\’s something else. It\’s easy to say that it\’s some circumstance, or some criteria, or something out there. That\’s the easy way to not take responsibility for the change.

Yeah Dave, that\’s right. It\’s peeling back the layers to reveal the root cause. The thing about the root cause of pretty much every problem that we\’re experiencing, is it\’s never what we first think it is. There is always deeper and deeper layers. For example, going back to the example of intimacy, you might say, \”Well what\’s the reason why you\’re not experiencing the intimacy or the romance?\” The easy thing as a relationship gets on is, \”Well, we\’ve been in a relationship for a while so it\’s gone stale. Well, it\’s just, it\’s normal for things to go stale.\” Or, \”We\’re getting older now. We don\’t have as much energy.\” Or, \”We\’ve got kids now and we have to take care of the kids.\”

Now, the thing about this is, is you can realise that that\’s an illusion, you can realise it\’s a limitation, and it\’s not actually true, because you can find plenty of people that are in a relationship that are older, that have got kids, that have been in a relationship for a long, long time, and they\’ve got fantastic intimacy. They\’ve got great romance. They are horny as hell. You could come up with so many excuses and point at the external and blame that and say, \”That\’s why.\” But ultimately you can find experiences and you can find examples where it\’s just not true. So that\’s just one example of pointing out the flaw in that perception around intimacy and relationships. It\’s just not true.

It\’s when we go on this process of self-inquiry around, why do we not have what we want? Then looking at the reason, looking at that limitation, and then being willing to be vulnerable to actually look at that reason, and once we actually look at it we can see, is it actually true? Is there any merit to it? Is there any accuracy to that? Now, a lot of the time you\’re going to find usually it\’s not. Usually it\’s something else. A good example of intimacy is, I like to think of intimacy or something that fosters a greater connection and level of intimacy, is the level of truth that you can express in a relationship.

Intimacy ultimately is guided by the level of truth, vulnerability, and openness that you can express in a relationship. So if you\’ve shut down your openness, if you\’ve shut down your vulnerability, i.e. not wanting to acknowledge the truth when it\’s applicable and when it\’s relevant to be expressed, well there is going to be a disconnection in the relationship, which means it\’s going to shut down the intimacy, which means that therefore you\’re going to be observing a disconnection. You\’re going to be observing a lack of closeness. You\’re going to project that onto the other person saying, \”It\’s their fault. It\’s them.\” As opposed to us taking responsibility for, \”Well, how am I not creating the conditions present inside this relationship for me to make them feel safe, supported, open, transparent, loved in such a way such that we create a deeper connection?\”

So really this always stems back to, how do I take responsibility for deepening that intimacy? How can I push myself outside of my comfort zone, either through embracing a deeper level of vulnerability, or courage, or transparency, such that I let that person know where I\’m at so that there is no disconnect. There is a pure open flow of truth that takes place inside that relationship.

To relate this back to the topic, what we\’re really looking at here is we\’re looking at a deeper level of self-awareness. This always comes back to self-awareness. We need to have a deep, acute level of self-awareness about all of the gaps in our life, but not have a superficial level of awareness like, oh, I just want to improve my relationship. We got to go into the detail. We\’ve got to get into the nitty-gritty. What is it within that relationship? Is it openness, trust, transparency, connection, love, compassion? Is it understanding someone else\’s love languages? Is it understanding what\’s going on in someone else\’s world? You\’re going to find that as soon as you look into your relationship values, which are one of the filters that are important to you, one of the filters through how you perceive what\’s good, bad, right, and wrong in a relationship, when you start to elicit things like your relationship values, then what happens is all of a sudden you get the code for what\’s actually important. For what\’s driving your sense of fulfilment in that relationship.

Now, this is a very, very simple way for doing this. The simplest way is you just ask yourself, in the context of a relationship, what\’s important to me? Same thing in a business. If you\’re wanting better business results, you could say, \”In the context of business, what\’s important to me?\” By asking that question, what\’s important to you, it will elicit all of the factors, all of the criteria that are important to you. So in a relationship for example, it might be things like, honesty, transparency, connection, fun, adventure, trust, loyalty, love, compassion. A lot of these different things will come out in the wash.

Now, you can now look through your list of those things that are important, which is called your values, and you can now ask the question, how well are you attending to each of those things? How well are you attending to each of those things? Not asking how well is your partner attending to those things, but how well are you attending to those things to create and to foster conditions that will be present in the relationship where you see, observe, and experience more of those.

So for example, one of the things that might be important to you might be love. You\’re expecting your partner to just show you love all the time. Well, if you\’re expecting your partner to demonstrate love all the time, well what it is is an external rule that is saying, \”If you do that, then I\’ll feel good. If you say this, then I\’ll feel loved. If you do that, great, I feel amazing.\” Now, the nature of this is, yes, it\’s part of being a human being, yes, we live in a world where we feel emotions based on the thinking that we generate, based on what we observe.

Now, that is what\’s called an outside-in philosophy. That\’s where we feel something when that happens. What you want to do is you want to erase that, transform that, redefine that. Because what it\’s like is it\’s saying, \”If you smile at me then I\’ll smile back.\” You want to change this so it\’s, well regardless of whether you\’re frowning or smiling, I\’m going to be smiling inside and I\’m going to be okay. So it\’s the same thing in a relationship. You want to realise that the ideal scenario, the highest point of empowerment, is realising that regardless of how someone else is showing up, you\’re going to choose to show up as the best version of you independent of what someone else is doing, saying, or being.

Now yes, this is a challenge, yes, this isn\’t always easy, but this is the standard to strive for. This is the level of empowerment that I believe is a wonderful place to be. Now, if you\’re not there, that\’s okay, don\’t judge yourself. Don\’t feel like you should be this indestructible … I\’d say indestructible, completely 100% emotionally in control human being. One of the functions of being a human being is that yes, we are susceptible to things that happen. Yes, we have a whole lot of conditioning, and limiting beliefs, and negative emotional traumatic things that have happened to us in our past. What I\’m suggesting here is that we\’re setting a benchmark for ourselves to move towards without judgement , with a level of compassion about how do we want to show up in a relationship. This relates back to if you want to improve a relationship, if you want to improve your business, your career, you need to get really specific on what are those elements you want to improve upon?

It\’s not good enough to just say, \”I want a better career.\” You\’ve got to ask, well what\’s important to you in a career? Because if you don\’t know what\’s important to you, then how can you improve it? There is no detail there. There is no steps. It\’s like saying you just want to cook a really great meal. Well what ingredients are you going to put in it? How are you going to cook it? When are you going to cook it? Who are you going to invite round to cook it with? Who are you going to share it with? This is where we\’ve got to get specific on our personal growth. We have to make this quite tactical. We\’ve got to make this really quite empowering so that we know all of our gaps, we know how we want to close the gaps, and we know what is the content, what is the resource, what is the area of personal development that is going to close the gap for us?

A big example here that I\’m going to suggest is something that I believe is important for every human being, is emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is one of these general categories, I would say it\’s general in personal development. It\’s general in the sense that it\’s a generally well understood concept, but that being said, you can chunk down into emotional intelligence and find the areas, the sub areas of emotional intelligence. So you might say, \”I want to improve my emotional intelligence.\” Well what specific area? What specific area of emotional intelligence? Because emotional intelligence is made up of different dimensions. It\’s made up of self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills. So there\’s five sub dimensions that we\’ve categorised broadly in emotional intelligence that we can work on.

Then, within those dimensions, there are subcategories within categories. So there is a matrix, inside a matrix, inside a matrix. The spectrum through which we can operate as a conscious human being in terms of what are we going to choose to work on, there is no limit. There are simply infinite rabbit holes to go down of things to work on. I don\’t say this to overwhelm you, I say this to impress upon you how important it is to pick the right rabbit hole to go down. Because when you pick the right dimension, when you pick … when I say the right dimension, when you pick the aspect that\’s going to give you the highest return on investment, then that\’s when you notice that that one hour that you\’ve invested in reading that book or studying that thing, that can have a profound impact across so many other dimensions of your life.

Self-awareness is one of these most important dimensions to work on. Because once you become aware of yourself, well all of a sudden you become better at everything else in your life. You become better at business, you become better at relationships, better at finances. Because you understand the programing and the function of human thought. Meditation is another good example. If you work on that skill, well you\’re now going to elevate your level of conscious awareness, you\’re going to elevate your mood, your understanding of what goes on inside your mind. You might invest 10 minutes a day in meditation, but what you get back in terms of return on investment throughout the rest of your day, is an incredible sense of calmness, and awareness, and empowerment.

You could contrast that with learning something totally different. You might spend 20 hours learning something. But if it\’s not at the deepest level of empowerment, well you might only notice a marginal gain. So that\’s what I noticed, was when I first got into personal development, I had a big, long reading list, of like about a hundred books. I felt like I had to get through all of them. In reality, it was the wrong approach. It was just realising, well, out of all the books that I resonate, well first of all let\’s just take that list and put it to the side because that\’s just books. That\’s just reading for the sake of reading. What do I actually want to improve about my life? That\’s the question to ask before you get into any personal development. What are the areas of your life you\’re wanting to work on? And then what are the subareas, and what are the sub-subareas?

Now, once you have that level of clarity, you can now place your attention, and your time, and your effort on something that\’s going to move the needle dramatically. That\’s going to transform so much more of your life than if you\’re just learning ad-hoc, randomly, just picking a book up off the shelf help, shelf simply because it kind of looks good and it\’s got a nice cover. Well I would suggest that a far more impactful approach would be starting to go into deeper levels of awareness about the dimensions of life you want to improve, and then select those aspects that are going to work for you.

Now, the example, the metaphor that makes this tangible is, imagine that you\’re personal development is like you running a dinner party. When you put on this dinner party, you\’ve obviously got to get the house cleaned. So imagine you could clean the whole house. Imagine the house is filthy. You could go and clean every single room in the house, including the garage and out the back, and you could clean the gutters, and clean the roof. You could service your whole house. Or, alternatively you could just clean the area where you\’re going to have the party, which is going to be maybe in the kitchen, in the lounge, and maybe one of the bathrooms. So this is a good example of, well, you could clean the whole house including all the spare rooms and the pantry, or you could just clean the areas that are going to be right there, relevant in that moment.

Well it\’s the same thing in your personal development. There is an infinite number of things you could work on. It\’s not about doing all of them right now. It\’s working out, out of all the dimensions of your life that are important to you, you\’ve got to select the one that\’s going to move the needle the most. Now, I\’ve got a spreadsheet that I give my clients. I\’m going to read out some of these dimensions on the spreadsheet, because what this is, is it\’s a spreadsheet that gives us some way of benchmarking our personal growth. Some way of categorising all the different elements that we can work on.

Now, I\’m not going to read out all of them simply because if I was going to read out all of them we\’d be going through all night. I\’m just going to read out some of these dimensions of life and it\’s probably going to prompt you to have a level of awareness about, maybe that\’s something you can have a look at. Maybe that\’s an area where you\’re lacking in competency, or skill, or knowledge, or experience. I\’m just going to read through some of these.

There\’s action-taking, there\’s commitment, there\’s focus, discipline, connection, enthusiasm, optimism, authenticity, motivation, time management, productivity, learning, networking, love, vitality, decisiveness, planning, creativity, compassion, passion, gratitude, social outwardness, empathy, positivity, resilience, determination, energy, diet, sleep, hydration, exercise, weights or doing work in the gym, your social life, your financial attitude, your romance or intimacy, your living environment, your level of innovation, your follow through or consistency. Your ability to, for business owners, prospect, market, copyright. If you\’re in social media, the ability to write copy, the ability to understand different social media platforms and algorithms. Customer service, sales, leadership, admin, managing a team, understanding finances, branding, outsourcing, self-reflection, journaling, managing your emotions. Then there\’s all the different dimensions of emotional intelligence, like self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, social skills. There\’s a whole \’nother realm of emotional intelligence that plays out here.

That\’s just some of the elements that you can go through and evaluate your personal development and your personal growth that\’s going to give you phenomenon awareness about what to focus on. Now again, if you look at that whole list you could probably find gaps in that whole list and think, \”Gee, I\’ve got a lot to work on.\” It\’s not about that. It\’s looking at that list, it\’s creating your own list, and it\’s understanding what are those aspects of you that are going to move the needle the most? What is the most important parts of your life that you\’re looking to transform? Then getting really clear on chunking down into the detail.

For example, finances is a major dimension that a lot of people are looking to improve upon. Now, for a lot of people they just look at finances and they go, \”I want to be better at finances.\” It\’s like, well you need to look at what specifically inside finances do you want to be better at? Because there\’s wealth creation strategy, there\’s different tactics, there\’s different platforms, there\’s different investment modalities, there\’s a whole lot of different strategies and tools that are … you would say they\’re strategic, they are external. It\’s, do I put my money in stocks or bonds, or do I take a punt on bitcoin, or where do I invest my money?

Now that\’s all one level of strategy and wealth creation awareness, but there\’s a whole \’nother level of awareness which is your level of awareness around your self-limiting beliefs, around your feeling about do we live in a world that\’s abundant, or do I live in a world of scarcity? Do I live in a world of opportunity or am I resigned to just thinking, \”No, this is my lot. I\’m not worthy of that. I don\’t deserve that.\” We\’ve got to realise that there is a whole lot of governing beliefs that sit below the surface that we need to attend to first before we go studying the strategies. Because you might be studying the strategies and you get all the great strategies, but if you haven\’t taken care of the limiting beliefs and the limitations in mindset, well you\’re going to be limited to the capacity that you can actually invest in those strategies to explore them, to actually have the courage and confidence to actually back yourself. To notice the opportunities.

This is an example of, yeah, you might be looking at a strategy level solution, but maybe you need to look higher up in terms of a higher level of consciousness. Maybe it\’s the belief level, your values level, your level of consciousness. There\’s usually always a far deeper level of consciousness solution that we need to be tapping into that\’s going to help us alleviate or solve that problem at a higher level. This is a big challenge. Is, a lot of people first of all aren\’t educated on the strategies of wealth creation, but then at a level higher than that, a lot of us are not educated on the mindset around how do we purge limiting beliefs? How do we transform our sense of worthiness? How do we start to notice that abunduncy\’s not something that\’s only there for the gifted few, the talented and the smart. It\’s a competency and a capacity that every human being has within them. There is no unique, special traits about wealth creation. It\’s a series of internal perspectives and internal philosophies.

This would be a good example of realising where is your awareness? Where is your level of focus when it comes to something like wealth correction? Is it at the strategy level? Or is the mindset level? Where is that? That\’s a really powerful question. To relate this back to tonight\’s topic, which is how do you know what to focus on, really what we\’re talking about here is choosing what moves the needle the most. It\’s having the self-awareness to know am I focusing on something that\’s going to move the needle a little bit, or am I focusing on something that\’s going to have a profound transformational shift and impact in my life? That\’s not always a simple answer. It requires reflection, contemplation, and journaling into these subjects, into these topics, having coaching. Coaching is another fantastic way of getting rapid awareness about what are the areas we need to work upon.

Obviously, I\’m a coach and I have these conversations with someone every single day, right? So for me it\’s kind of clear when I\’m having these conversations, it\’s quite obvious. You can see someone\’s limiting beliefs, you can see the limiting thought patterns they\’ve got. But if you don\’t have a coach, if you don\’t have someone to reflect back at you your limitations, it can be very difficult to have that awareness, unless you\’ve got a structure and a process in place to actually reflect upon your awareness, to reflect upon your thinking, understand your belief systems, understand your values, understand your conditioning and programing, and work through that.

The good news is, yes, there are ways. Yes, there is a process. It starts with self-awareness. It starts with looking at your goal, what do you feel the a resistance point? What do you feel is a limitation? Then once you\’ve identified the limitation, you then take a look closer. You take a look below the iceberg and find out what\’s the real root cause. So that\’s really the approach whenever you\’re looking to improve anything about your life, you\’ve got to take a look under the iceberg, because the problem is usually never the problem. It\’s never the actual root cause.

That\’s in a nutshell how you approach from a high philosophical level, how do you approach your personal development. To make this tangible you want to develop a list of all the dimensions of your life. All the attributes and all the aspects, for example, like the list that I read out before, and start to ask, well out of all the different areas of your life, what is the most important? What is going to leave the most amount of impact? Before you pick up a book, before you study any course, you ask yourself, \”Why am I reading this? Why am I studying this? What\’s the outcome? What is the net benefit that I\’m wanting to extract from this?\”

Admittedly as well, sometimes you\’re going to read a book and you\’re going to get far more out of that, or study a course, than you ever imagined. Far more. Maybe you\’re going to learn things that you had no awareness of that that was even a thing. That\’s also another beautiful thing about life. But I would recommend that the starting point is always getting clear on what is that dimension of life I need to improve? Sometimes it\’s just conscious awareness. Sometimes it\’s your ability to think. Sometimes you might have specific things like modalities, like meditation, or breath work. Sometimes you might have a sense that, \”I feel like I need to learn more about that particular topic.\” Other times it\’s just a general sense of, \”I need to improve my consciousness. I need to elevate my level of self-awareness.\” That\’s valid as well.

For those of you that are wanting to elevate your conscious awareness, for those of you that are wanting to take your personal development to a deeper level, what I\’ve done is I\’ve taken the guesswork out of it for you. I\’ve developed a 12-week curriculum that focuses on the most profound, the most important, the most dominant, the most impactful elements of personal development that give you a greater sense of connection to your purpose, greater clarity, a sense of vision. Deep understanding of emotional intelligence at a level deeper than you\’ve probably ever gone to before, by understanding the inner workings of the mind. Going through things like goal setting, going through things like how do you hack your performance, how do you transform your productivity so that you\’re getting more done in less time? How do you understand the hidden invisible patterns and hidden invisible limiting beliefs that are preventing you from tapping into that abundance or those outcomes that you know that you\’re worthy of, that you know deep down you can experience, but for whatever reason there\’s been some conditioning or limitations in your life that have maybe prevented you from experiencing those.

Thanks Dave, I appreciate that.

That programme that I\’ve developed, which is the arrow tip of my life\’s work, it\’s called Project Limitless. We\’ve got an amazing group of humans that are going through that programme right now that are creating some fantastic transformation results in their life. It\’s profound. These principles and these tools, they\’re like gravity. They work. Whether you believe in them or not, whether you\’ve experienced them or not, they just work and they create profound, rapid … the most profound, rapid acceleration of the transformation of consciousness. That\’s what I\’ve landed on. That\’s what I love. That\’s my life\’s work.

Hey Daniel. Thank you, bro. Good to see you here.

For those of you that resonate with wanting to be part of a community, those of you that are wanting to study deeper, more advanced levels of personal development that you traditionally had in a space where you\’re supported, where you\’re nurtured, where you\’re encouraged to let it all hang out, and we\’re willing to deal with whatever comes up in a supportive way, in a community where you get all of your questions answered, we have live interaction, we have an opportunity every single week for 90 minutes to talk about one of these most powerful pillars of personal development. I\’ve taken the guesswork out of it for you. I\’ve hand-picked what I believe are the most important topics that a human being needs to master, that moves the needle the most.

If you resonate with getting some assistance, with accelerating the evolution of consciousness, it\’s my pleasure to be able to share that with you. So for those of you that are interested please drop me a message. We\’ve got another two months before the next intake begins, so we\’ve got some spaces available. We\’re limiting it to 20 people, so if you\’d like to be one of those 20 people that rapidly accelerates your consciousness and transforms so many of these dimensions of life that I\’ve been talking about, then I\’d love to have a chat to you to see if you might be a fit for that programme.

That\’s all for tonight, everyone. Thank you for tuning in. I appreciate you. As always, lots of love and I look forward to seeing you again next Tuesday. For those that haven\’t already subscribed, we\’re on YouTube, we are on iTunes, we\’re also on Instagram, and here on Facebook. If you\’ve got any questions, if you\’d like to reach out and find out more about either one-on-one coaching or Project Limitless, please send me a message and I\’ll be really happy to share with you if this might be a fit for you, and how it might help your life.

Thank you all for tuning in. Thanks Karen. I\’ll see you guys very soon. Greetings from Bali.

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