Hello, and welcome back to Transformation Tuesday. It\’s Chris Jackson here. And I\’m here to teach you all about, and share with you the best of what I know around the secret to increasing your confidence. So this is something that I get a lot of questions from my clients about, I get a lot of comments at my workshops. This is something that comes up all the time. So it\’s a pleasure here, to unpack, just how do we boost that confidence, how do we increase that confidence, how do we master our confidence through all the different dimension in our life, into really pragmatic practical ways? Before we begin, I just want to share with you that I haven\’t always been incredibly confident. I certainly have been confident in some areas of my life, and other areas I haven\’t been confident at all. So I\’m want to share with you, as well, as we go through this journey, a little bit about how I\’ve cultivated confidence, some strategies, some tools about how you can also do the same. And the great thing, or the great truth that I like to remind everyone about, is that confidence is not some, it\’s not some ability that some people have and some people don\’t. Hey, Heidi, good to see you here, how are you? Confidence is a skill. It\’s a skill, and I\’m going to go into this in great depth tonight, and unpack this for you, in terms of how to understand confidence, so you can actually be confident. Because, if you don\’t understand it, you can\’t be it. So I\’m going to explain it and share with you some really simple ways of understanding this. And when you get this concept, you can actually hack your confidence in the same way you\’d hack any other skill. Just like driving a car, or playing an instrument, so it\’s really powerful tools, knowledge and awareness that you\’re going to gain from tonight. So first of all, let\’s take a look at what do we even mean when we\’re talking about confidence? Well, what I\’m referring to when I, well, first of all, start with a definition from the internet, right, which is one definition. But, I\’m going to split that into a really powerful, succinct combination of concepts for you to understand. The definition of confidence is a feeling or belief that one can have faith or rely on someone or something. So I\’ll say that again, because this is really important. Confidence is a feeling, or a belief, feeling or a belief, so two different concepts here. It\’s a feeling, which is an emotion, or a belief, which is a sense of what we believe to be true, that one can have faith, or rely on someone or something. So, straightaway, we can see, well, straightaway from this definition, we know that it\’s, well, it\’s an emotion, but it\’s also a belief system. So these two things come together in this incredible tapestry of mastering confidence. So first of all, we\’re going to ask the question, well, why are we even bother with this conversation in the first place? Why be more confident? Why does this conversation even matter? Well, the thing about confidence, is that it determines so much of the performance about how we show up in life. Our confidence determines how will we take action, how will we execute. It\’s this, sometimes, it\’s a unconscious performance enhancement, drug if you like, that helps us get the best out of ourself. So the benefits of confidence are better decision making, quicker action, higher quality decisions and choices. So when you\’re in a state, an emotional state of confidence you can make choices that far exceed when you are in a lower state, you\’re in a lower mood. So it\’s important to recognise from accessing intuition, accessing decision making strategies, accessing our highest self, being truly connected, we\’re in a state of confidence, we\’re unlocking something deep within ourselves that we wouldn\’t get access to. Great to see you here, Mike. I\’m good, thanks, Buddy. So, that\’s a little bit about why we\’re actually having this conversation in the first place. As well as, when you\’re more confident, you\’re more likely to try to things, you\’re more likely to do things, you\’re more likely to explore, to experiment, to override the temporary limiting beliefs, and the temporary limitations that you\’ve got in front of you, to override the fears. So confidence is almost like an override switch. Now, for those of you that have ever played computer games before, if you\’re every played Mario, any of these computer game character games, when you\’re character actually gets the mushroom, or it gets a star, it\’s like it gets invincibility. Well, confidence is like the same thing for your computer character. Instead of your computer character getting it, you get it, which means that you\’re invincible. It\’s like you tap into some sort of super power within you. So a powerful emotional state to tap into that helps you override any of the baddies, any of the bad guys. Hey, Jay, welcome, good to have you here. So we\’re starting to build a picture around, okay, it helps decision making, it helps make better choices. It helps activate our intuition. It helps us take action in the face of fear, so it helps with courage. All this, there\’s so many different elements that confidence actually plugs into, that helps us activate all the different areas of our life. So I didn\’t always used to be comfortable, or confident, with public speaking. Like, for the very first video, if you guys go back to the very first video that I did online, I kind of bummed out, I kind of sucked. And it wasn\’t that I didn\’t have the potential to be good at speaking, or good at communicating, it\’s just that in the moment, I didn\’t have a lot of confidence. Now, again, it\’s an emotion as well as a belief system. But the point I\’m making, is that the skillset that I\’ve now cultivated and developing, anyone can do that. So it\’s not like, not like we have, it\’s not like a lot of the skills that we\’re talking about mastering are unique to a lot of people. Like, for example, public speaking. But more, I think the stats are, that, and you guys have probably heard this before, as well, that people are more afraid of public speaking than they are of dying, alright? So we\’ve got to look at, right, well, what\’s going on there, because, public speaking is just a skill. We can all speak, you can speak well to your partner, you can speak well to your pot plant, you can speak well to anyone in your life. But, all of a sudden, if you put you on a stage in front of people, or in front of a live video like this, oh, I\’m now freaking out. But, it\’s the same skillset. So what\’s going on in our mind, we\’ve gone from, well, you can confidently communicate to someone in your life. But then, if you put you in front of people, what\’s just happened, what\’s been activated? And that\’s what I want to dive into is, good evening, Roy, good to see you here. What do I dive into, is understanding, well, what\’s just happened? Because we are using the same skillset that we\’re putting into a different context, or a different location, different time, different test, and all of sudden we go from confidence, to fear, or doubt. So I want to unpack that for you, understand, how does that actually happen? So really, the best way to understand this, is that, as I said before, confidence is the emotion, it\’s the feeling, but, it\’s also the belief. So it\’s these two forces that are going on at the same time, and they are very much complimentary forces. So, yes, you\’ve probably heard about the example, you\’ve probably heard about the confidence competence loop. And this is something I want to talk into. Yes, you could certainly be incredibly confident and have no competence. An example of that could be you\’re about to do brain surgery on someone. Now, you could be incredibly confident, because you\’ve just got yourself into an emotional state, you think, look, I can nail this. But in terms of your competence, maybe you have no idea how to do it. Right, but what you\’ve done, is emotionally, you\’ve hacked your experience, you\’ve hacked your experience emotionally, so you have the emotion of confidence, but not the actual competence in terms of ability. So that\’s another phenomenon that happens, which we can, again, the human being is so, we are so complex, but at the same time, there are so many ways of hacking this machine, that we call the human. And one of the key recognitions that we need to, need to come to the awareness of, is that yes, it\’s feeling plus belief. So, I\’m going to unpack these concepts for you, and go through this, so you can actually have a step-by-step approach on how you actually upgrade both of these. Because, you might have the feeling of confidence, but not the competence. Or vice versa, you have might have the competency, like you know you can actually do something, like you can actually speak. Right? But, the emotion might be your fear or doubt, even though you have got the confidence, right? Let me know if you guys can resonate with, there\’s probably certain things that you can do very, very well, that you\’ve done them so many, many times, like, so many times, hundreds of times. Now, some of those things you\’ll be very, very confident. Sometimes, you might be in a state of fear or doubt. So again, that would be an example of, well, maybe your emotions are actually confusing you. Maybe your emotions aren\’t representative of the degree of aptitude or ability that you\’ve got. So this is a key distinction that we need to be aware of, is our fear, and our ego, and our mind playing tricks on us. Or actually, do we have some sort of justification for not having confidence, based on our ability? Now, these are all conversations that we\’ve got to have. So really, when I\’m talking about this feeling of confidence, what I\’m talking about is it\’s your emotional state. Your feeling is your emotional state, which is the sum total of what everything you\’re doing inside of you, that\’s generating either a feeling of confidence, or a feeling of self-doubt. Now, that\’s your emotion. So that\’s the first step we need to have an acknowledgement of, well, it\’s just emotion. It\’s confidence is simply emotion. To take it to the next level, to see, well, what\’s generating the emotion, we\’ve not got to link the beliefs that we\’ve got about ourself, about life, about business, about relationships, about reality, we\’ve now got to create awareness around, right-oh, what are the beliefs now? Because, those beliefs are evoking the emotion, the beliefs are firing the thoughts, the perspectives, the attitude, the beliefs are generating the emotion. So that\’s the first thing to recognise is, we observe the emotion, but we\’ve got to go all the way back, and go, okay, well, how did I generate that emotion? What was the belief system that has been able to generate that emotion? So and what is a belief? Well, it\’s a degree of knowing. It\’s a possibility filter. Beliefs are the things that we trust, our convictions that we trust as being true. So we need to take a look at, well, what are the beliefs we\’ve got about ourself? Do I believe I can do this? Is it possible, is it likely? Can I handle it? What are the, you\’ve got to got belief hunting, and you\’ve got to elicit what are the beliefs that you\’ve got in a particular context? So the best way to approach this, is if you\’re looking at what area you want to be more confident in your life, elicit what your beliefs are about that. And that will tell you how you\’re generating your confidence. I\’ll give you an example. If you look at business, and if you say, how am I doing in the context of business? If you look at your beliefs about business, that will probably tell you whether or not you\’re going to be confident in business, or not. Now if you have beliefs that are I\’m no good at sales, or sales is sleazy, or I can\’t bothered learning marketing, or I\’m not a good leader. Well, yeah, probably, you\’re not going to be confident in business, if you hold onto those belief systems. So we\’ve got to get super clued in to what are the unconscious belief systems that are being fired. So this is a powerful process to go through. So yes, we\’ve got to elicit, do we have beliefs of things like I can handle it, I\’ve got this, we\’re all good, I\’m going to figure this out? Or have we got beliefs of like, oh, I don\’t know if I can do this, or this is pretty scary, I don\’t know if I can handle it, if it happens, and it goes bad. I\’m going to be embarrassed, it\’s going to be, I\’m going to feel ashamed, embarrassment. So we\’ve got to start to contemplate and understand what are those beliefs that we\’ve got, that are generating it all? And it starts with the beliefs. The beliefs generate the thoughts, the thoughts activate the emotions. And, yes, there are some other complexities, there are some unique, there are some unique scenarios where, particularly, if you\’ve got some negative, traumatic experiences from your past of things happening. Like, for example, maybe when you were five years old, you got up on stage and started speaking, maybe the whole class laughed at you. Well, that experience, potentially, is imprinted in your emotional pain body, and every time you think of getting up in public speaking, that emotion comes straight back to you. Now, that can be a situation that\’s happened. Now, that, that happens to a lot of people. That happened to me, in a lot of examples in my life. And we\’ve got to be able to release that emotional experience in order for us to then move forward. Because, if we\’re not releasing and get complete on that experience, it\’s a trauma that we\’re going to carry with us. It\’s a trauma that we\’ll carry with us, so, there is a lot emotion releasing it, we need to release, in order to become confident. And that\’s probably a whole another, that\’s a whole another conversation, that\’s a whole another episode. But, ultimately, it\’s a combination of memories, decisions, emotional experiences. There\’s so many things that come into play when it comes to confidence, and we\’ve got a list of all those different categories. And so, I\’m just giving some ones there. There\’s memories, so if we\’ve got past traumatic memories, where we\’re limited, that\’s going to affect us. If we have negative emotions, where when we think of that experience, we straight away feel the negative emotion. Well, that\’s going to be something we got to deal with. If we have negative recurring thoughts, that\’s something we\’ve got to deal with. If we have negative reference points from our past, where things didn\’t go well, then we\’ve got to be aware of, well, look, the past doesn\’t equal the future. What beliefs have I got around my past equaling my future? Because, we might have a limited number of reference points that are now limiting our future projection of our success into the future. So we got to become aware of all these things. So fundamentally, we\’ve got two major pillars of confidence. There\’s two major pillars. The first pillar is as I said before, it\’s competence, it\’s our ability, it\’s our skill and knowledge, our experience. It\’s our talent, it\’s our decision making ability. It\’s our conditioning. So it is us doing strength training, us having education, us having the ability to be masterful at something, to have a sense of certainty in something. So that competence is, I define that it\’s just the degree of certainty of a future projection of ability, or competence. So the thing about competence, as I said before, is you could be incredibly competent, you might have done something a thousand times. Now, generally, if you\’ve done something enough, if you have a competence in something, that will generally mean that you were confident at it. And that\’s called the confidence competent loop. The more you do something, the more confident you become, generally, as a rule of thumb. And you can test this, because you can look at anything that you\’ve done in your life, anything that you\’re not confident at, look at it, and say, how many times have you done it? Now, for most of you watching this, the answer will be, well, I haven\’t done it that many times. So there\’s a, there\’s a direct correlation between the number of times you do something, and the degree of confidence. Now, that comes down to your competency, your ability. Your ability to develop skill, knowledge, and experience in that area. And when you develop enough skill, knowledge, and experience, you\’re teaching your unconscious mind, you\’re teaching a whole entire unconscious way of being, that this all good, I\’ve done this so many time before, I\’ve got nothing to worry about. So if you haven\’t yet developed the competency to feel confident, then, that can be one powerful avenue to go back to, and say, okay, if I want to be more confident, what are the skills that I\’ve got to learn? What\’s the skill development I\’ve got to go through? What\’s the education curriculum I\’ve got to put myself through? What additional experience do I need? Maybe checking in and giving yourself some feedback, we\’ll, what\’s, what\’s your talent, what\’s your ability like in that field, alright? Maybe it\’s that you\’ve got to work on skills training. Maybe you need to go and learn some new talents and abilities. Maybe you need to get better at decision making. Maybe you need to work on your intuition. Maybe you need to work on your emotional intelligence. So these are all the questions that you\’ve got to ask around competency. Because, when you refine your competency, that flows through, so that you\’re more confident. Now, the thing about this is, the second dimension of confidence is self-trust. Now, competency, if you like, is a physical ability. Self-trust is an emotional ability. Your self-trust is your ability to believe in yourself. Self-trust is the ability to know that you can handle something. You can have competency, but not necessarily self-trust. And you can have self-trust, but not necessarily competency. Yes, the two are connected, and yes, they both influence each other, but, they are actually two independent pillars that are going on underneath the surface of confidence. So, we\’ve got to look at both of these. So the first, the first suggestion I\’ll give you is, definitely work on your competency. You\’ve got to look at all those factors, as I said, skill, talent, knowledge, experience. I\’ll go into some strategies on how you can improve those in a second. But, we must look at he second pillar, which is self-trust, self-belief. That is your ability to trust yourself. That\’s your ability to have emotional resilience in the moment, to know that you\’ll handle whatever comes your way. Now, this is made up of belief systems. This is made up of just specific beliefs that you\’ve got about yourself, your life, your ability to handle situations, uncertainty, your ability to just handle whatever comes your way. So this is a, like there are degrees of this as well. So there are degrees of self-trust. There is 100% certainty now in our own sense of self, and there\’s zero percent. So, there\’s also a spectrum here, of 100% to 0%. So you can actually gauge where you\’re at in terms of your ability to trust yourself. And, yes, it\’s going to different in different areas. So you can actually look at your self-trust in the context of business. You can look at your self-trust in the context of a relationship. You can look at it in terms of finances, health, all sorts of different areas. And that level of self-trust might be different in different areas, and you\’ll probably find there\’s a direct correlation to your competency, in terms of the skills, knowledge and experience that you\’ve cultivated over time, in that area. So self-trust really is the degree of our ability to know that we can handle whatever is going happen, we can handle it. Emotionally, we\’ll handle it, we\’ll get through it. So, it\’s beliefs like I am competent. I\’m going to handle this, I can get through it. Alright, now, self-trust is just a series of beliefs, that\’s all it is, beliefs about self, how well I\’m going to manage this. It also comes down to your emotional intelligence, and it comes down to your ability to override your fear. Let\’s get stuck into how do you actually upgrade self-trust? So let\’s start with upgrading self-trust. Well, the way that you upgrade self-trust, first of all, is looking at your many beliefs. You\’ve got to elicit what are your limiting beliefs about self? What do you believe about your ability to handle situations? What do you believe about your ability to handle new situations, unfamiliar situations, different types of people, different types of challenges? What\’s your level of optimism versus pessimism? Do you give yourself the benefit of the doubt? Do you generally say things like, look, let\’s give it a go, I reckon we can probably do it? Or do you say, oh, no, that\’s not going to happen? So again, you\’ve got to look at where are you on that spectrum of optimism versus pessimism? Now, again, that\’s a belief system that you\’ve subscribed to. Again, it might be a belief system, where you\’ve noticed certain things in the past, certain failures, or certain negative emotional experiences. And in that moment, you decided, poof, I\’m not going to do that again. Like the example I gave you before, someone who\’s five years old, who gets up to speak in front of the class, and the class laughs at them. That could be a significant emotional event that infuses a belief system, such that person will never, ever want to speak on stage again, or in front of people. So that would be a limiting belief, that it\’s not safe to speak onstage. It\’s not safe to communicate. What if I get up and speak, and people laugh at me? So that would be a limiting belief that people have got, which has been infused from a previous moment in their life that they have just unconsciously subscribed to, and now, are living that out. And it\’s living out, because they\’re not taking action. They\’re not inspired, they\’re not actually being the true expression, because they\’ve got like a, the weight, the limiting belief is like a weed in your garden. Now, if you\’re aware of these weeds, and if you\’re not pulling them out, they are going to take your garden. So this is the impact of limiting beliefs, they prevent you from taking action. Another way you can improve your self-trust, is looking at all of your fears. You\’ve got to take a look at all of the fears that are present in your reality. You\’ve got to look at any limitation that\’s in your consciousness. Because, if you have any limitation whatsoever, any element of fear or resistance, well, that\’s going to prevent you from taking action. So you have to elicit all of your fears, you have to be aware of the fears. And you\’re got to be aware of, particularly, all the irrational fears, the fears that you have nothing to worry about, like the fear of public speaking. What\’s the worst that can happen? Very minimal, very, very minimal. And so, we\’ve got to recognise, and we\’ve got to keep our emotional reality in check, to understand have I got sabotaging fears? Have I got fear that are maybe unconscious, or maybe even conscious fears, that are playing out and are preventing you from taking action? So that\’s the key question you\’ve got to ask yourself, is what are your limitations? What are the fears that are holding you back? And you\’ll have series of beliefs that are then generating the fears. So we\’re getting limiting beliefs and fears, they go hand in hand, they are a combination of interacting forces that are now playing out. So you\’ve got to elicit your limiting beliefs, and you also have to elicit your fears. And you can do that quite simply. The way to elicit your limiting beliefs, is you say, well, I want to do blank, insert a goal, and then, but, something. When you use the word but, your unconscious mind will go searching for what the limitation is. The same thing with fears. You can elicit your fears by saying, alright, if I could do anything, if you could put yourself out there and do absolutely anything… Now, you could imagine doing all sort of things like public speaking, you\’re doing thought experiments here, testing out what\’s the, what are the things where you can truly put yourself out there, just stretch yourself? And you can identify, and you can come up with, well, what are all the things that you feel anxious, or fearful of doing? And you can actually preempt it through a thought experiment, what are all the things you are afraid of? Yeah, now, I\’ve done this before, I did this with ecstatic jogging. For those of you who haven\’t heard of ecstatic jogging, I did this the other day down at Scarborough. I went for a jog along the waterfront, and I was just dancing to music. Now, at the beginning, I kind of felt a little bit silly, \’cause, I was kind of, my head, my ego was going, oh, these are going to laugh at you, these people are going to, like, you\’re going to look silly. Chris, you\’re going to look like a clown, just you running along the bit, running along the waterfront, just dancing and moving around like an idiot. Well, I loved it, it was fun. And, yes, there was some people that laughed at me, yes, there was some people that high-fived me, and there were some people that were looking at me going, huh, what\’s this guy, what, what is that? Now, that\’s a classic example of fear busting, which you can only, some of these fears, you can only bust by actually going through and taking action, doing these things. So, for me, running along on the waterfront, just dancing, that was another little one of these little 1% fears that I\’ve just busted. Now, I\’ve done a lot of dancing in public, and stuff like that before, so it wasn\’t a big deal. But, it was just a, I noticed there was a tiny little 1% bit of restriction, or limitation, or resistance to me doing that. So I knew I had to do it. So I encourage you, any fear that you\’ve got, create a list of fears, and smash through them. It\’s called, psychologists call it systematic desensitisation. Systematic desensitisation, that\’s just a fancy word for the more that you do something, you\’ll break through that fear, just by repetition. So, that\’s what I definitely recommend for everyone who is afraid of something, bust through it. You just simply have to set it as a goal for yourself. So that\’s a little bit about how to build self-trust. Now there is so many things you can do to build self-trust. Some other things you can do and to create a way as of what\’s the language that you\’re using in your habitual vocabulary. So what do I mean by that? What I mean is start to become aware of the language that you\’re using. Now one of the worst words you can heavy use is the word try. You ask someone, are you going to have a go or no go. I\’ll try. So you don\’t have to be a rocket surgeon to realise that when you\’re using words of such a low intensity and confidence. Then what is that going to do to your belief system? What does that to your emotional state? So you have to aware of all of the language patterns that you\’re using because the richness and the confidence of your language patterns will determine your confidence. And some people are using all these words unconsciously. They\’re using words like try. When you ask them how they are? Oh, not bad. So these are very very low confidence words that people aren\’t even aware of that they are using. But they\’ve been infused in a belief system for all of their upbringing. And they are currently operating on that current version of software right now which is very disempowering, they have no awareness of it. So you\’ve got to create awareness of your language patterns and that will give you the clue as to what the believe systems you have, the limiting the beliefs and the fears that you got around taking action. So very very powerful awareness to know. Start to become aware of the thoughts, the words, the internal dialogue that\’s happening in your mind \’cause it gives you the code to everything that you\’re doing. All of your actions are happen where a stimulus response machine. All of the thinking that happens inside this machine produces our action. So this is the computation that happens. And then we take action. Now if we\’re not taking action that we wanted. If we\’re not getting the results that we want. There\’s only one place to look. That\’s look inside this computer. What\’s the programming? How is it running? What are the errors? What are the viruses? And so we\’re going to get really tactical about looking inward and take responsibility for, well, I\’m not creating that result because I need a software update. It could be fear, limiting belief, habit. It could be warped to perspective. It could be a limiting emotion from your past, traumatic experience, could be any of those. So we got to get hunting for what is the limitation. Let me flip it now to how do we actually increase the second, sorry the second of the two dimensions which we spoke about first which is competency. So as I said, we\’ve got self-trust and we\’ve got competency. These are the two primary dimensions of confidence so they can be together. So when we\’re looking to improve competency. This is our ability, this is our ability to, this is our ability to effectively implement and create results. So this is a combination of our experience, our skill, our knowledge, talent, our decision making, like the mentoring, or coaching that we\’ve had. This is all the training that we\’ve been through, the education. These all constitutes our ability. And as I said before, the more that you do something, the more that repeat something over and over again, the more competent you become which then improves your confidence. It\’s called the confidence competence loop. So you want to do as many as you can. You want to repeat something as many times as you possibly can. If you want to get good at it, do it over and over and over. And as I said before, if you want to think about something, if you think about something you\’re really confident about, that might be driving a car. How many times have you done it, you probably have done it a lot of times. So you\’re confident at it. Think of anything that you\’ve done maybe not so often, probably not going to be that confident. So the direct correlation here between repetition, habit, and conditioning. This is what we also need to recognise. So when it comes to increasing your competency, you\’ve got to look at, well, what are the areas that you want to be confident at and then look at, what is the skill, the knowledge, the experience, and the ability that you got to develop to get more confident. Maybe you need to get a coach. Maybe you need to get a mentor. Maybe you need to take a training programme. Maybe you need more education. Maybe you just need to carve out a habit and do something more times just repeat it. So if you\’re paid something, you naturally going to get better at but maybe you need some extra skill or knowledge because you might be repeating something, but on a low level of excellence. Now that will be an example if you\’ve been doing the same thing over and over and over but no mentoring, no coaching, or advanced education, well you\’re going to be at average performance. Whereas if you get some advanced coaching and mentoring, well, you have now elevated your knowledge so you can now improve your skill which means you now get a high quality experience which now means your competency or ability is far superior. So these all sorts of things we\’re really going to look into. Now when I speak about skill development, I recommend we approach our skill development with a plan. So you got to have a plan for how you want to approach getting more competent. You don\’t just turn up and just randomly try things. I mean you can do that but it\’s a very slow way of doing things. One of the best ways of getting more confident is finding a mentor or a coach who has already got the results that you\’re looking for. And get them to help you unpack it and accelerate it, create that result, and have it work faster. So that\’s one of the ways and one of the strategies I recommend when you\’re looking at your competency level is have a plan, have some sort of strategy for skill acquisition and getting the experience and the knowledge and the education that you need to get because you haven\’t got a tactical approach to your education and school development, well, it\’s not going to happen. Or if it does happen, it\’s not going to happen with the speed and with the impact that you know that it can. So you know, you might be investing hours and hours into your education. But if you haven\’t got the right tools or the right strategies, you could be just burning hours and not being efficient. So that\’s the other thing you need to look at. So the other elements that I really want to get you to look at really come down to skill, knowledge, and experience. Education, mentoring, and coaching. These are by far the most powerful ways you can start to improve your ability and your talent, your skillset because if you\’re learning from an expert who has already mastered the area that you are going to master, they can give you the shortcuts. They can give you the go wrongs. They can tell you about all the blind spots. They can show you your blind spots so much faster than if you are just going to read a book or consume a programme online or just watch videos. So having that access to someone one on one who can give you that special support. You can radically accelerate your progress, radically. And that\’s one of the most important things about mentoring and coaching. So it\’s something that\’s really important that I wish I knew, probably 10 or 15 years ago. However, it\’s all good, I know that now. So I now have a lot of mentors and coaches and people in my life that are experts that I go straight to and then give me the download. They say, Chris, this is what you\’ve got to learn. Chris, this is your blind spot. Powerful experience to go through. So just a little bit of the meaning recap. What we\’re talking about here is competency and self-trust. This are the two elements that come together, that get infused together that are creating what we call confidence. And confidence is an emotion but it\’s also a belief. It\’s a belief by itself. So we\’ve got to hack each of these dimensions. We\’re going to work through it. And I trust that that\’s unpacked and help you guys understand a bit more about confidence, how it\’s generated, what\’s actually going on, and some practical tools and ways to actually deal with it. So guys, I\’m going to wind it up there because we\’re hitting half an hour mark. So thank you guys so much for tuning in. Mike, it\’s an absolute pleasure mate. Good to have you here and I look forward to seeing you guys again next week. Now before I go, for those of you that want to follow me on Instagram, please look up Chris Jackson Coaching on Instagram. I\’m also on, obviously, here on Facebook, got a podcast coming out very very soon. Also got a VIP mailing list so for those of you who want to be part of my mailing list and get up-to-date with all gold nuggets, all these strategies for hacking your life, hacking your business, please jump on ChrisJacksonCoaching.com and join the mailing list as well. So thanks again for joining in guys. Thanks Hardy, thanks Rod. Pleasure to have you guys here. I look forward to catching up next Tuesday. Next Tuesday, we\’ve got, How to Prioritise. So a couple weeks back, we were focusing on planning. Well, this is going to plug into that quite nicely because this is going to teach you how you actually get clear on your priorities. How do you feel what\’s truly important. So that\’s going to add some layers of mastery that a lot of people are going to appreciate. Thanks Rod, Thanks Mike, great to see you guys. As always, lots of love guys, and I\’ll see you again next week for Transformation Tuesday. Bye for now.